Contact Us     +1 (602) 276-0406 6165 W. Detroit St., Chandler AZ 85226

Repair Mastic

When damage has progressed beyond the limits of sealing and filling, DEERY Repair Mastic® is the solution to further extend the usable life of paved surfaces. Hard, durable aggregate and DEERY’s innovative, void-less compound requires no compaction and remains serviceable through many seasons.

DEERY Repair Mastic is ideal for repair jobs in high-traffic zones. New repairs are ready for traffic as soon as they cool. Only a small crew and minimal equipment is required for an easy field application and smooth, long-lasting results. The answer for surface repairs between extensive filling and resurfacing operations is hot-applied DEERY Repair Mastic.

Level & Go Repair Mastic Cross Sections

DEERY Repair Mastic is a high-performance solution for unconfined areas where installation is not recessed and feathered-edge repairs are needed. It is the right choice for the following pavement-deterioration conditions:

  • Pavement joint separation
  • Sunken thermal cracks
  • Seam cracking
  • Wide pavement cracks
  • Utility cuts
  • Bridge approaches
  • Spalled joints
  • Corner-slab breaks
  • Manhole covers
  • Paver seams
  • Potholes and more…

DEERY Repair Mastic is a hot-applied pre-packaged, ready-to-melt mastic material for concrete and asphalt pavements. DEERY Repair Mastic is composed of select asphalt grades and/or resins; clean, hard, durable particles of wear- resistant aggregates; synthetic rubber polymers; anti-oxidants; naturally occurring and man-made reinforcing materials. The product is available in black (asphalt) color.

(Mastic calculator coming soon.)